Corporate - About Us
The Cumberland Community Action Program, Inc. is a private human services agency offering a comprehensive, supportive approach to helping families and individuals achieve and sustain economic security. Established in 1965, CCAP has become a respected agency among the top-tier of the national network of community action programs whose purpose is to address poverty in America. CCAP has a direct presence in some 34 counties throughout southeastern North Carolina through its various programs and services that have a significant impact on the communities served.
Agency Mission
It is the mission of Cumberland Community Action Program, Inc. to develop and operate projects that promote the economic and social well-being of individuals, children, families, and communities.
Guiding Principle
Taking a comprehensive approach means that CCAP engages clients to provide services on a hierarchy of needs from basic (foundational) needs to learning and growing, services then transition to focus on work life, asset building, and finally to giving back. Throughout each step in the economic ladder of success, clients are encouraged and guided by caring, qualified CCAP staff. This proven mission of service yields measurable results as evidenced in our successes each and every year. Take a look at our 2012 community impact.
Service Area