Cumberland Community Action Program News

Consumer Credit Counseling Service - Education

Creating Spending Plans
Covers how to develop a budget, financial goals and savings plan; how to track expenses; monitor your cash flow; and related topics. This program is geared to first time clients as well as clients who need to brush up their budgeting skills.

CCCS Newcomer's Workshop
Serves to reinforce the information presented in one-on-one counseling sessions. This program explains how to use DSP forms; who to contact if problems arise; how to read CCCS statements; how to examine creditor statements; how to track and manage cash flow so deposits can be made when due.

Life After Debt
Is a Program designed for clients who are nearing completion of a Debt Solver Plan (DSP). This program explains how to check credit reports for zero balances; review previous goals and setting and achieving the next level of goals, such as home buying; discussion of savings and investments. Handouts include additional forms for continued tracking of expenses.