Second Harvest Food Bank of Southeast North Carolina - Events
Strike Out Hunger Bowl-a-Thon »

The annual Strike Out Hunger Bowl-a-Thon. Sign up with your 4 person team, enjoy an afternoon bowling with your
friends or colleagues, and help SHFB raise money to fight hunger in our community. Click here for more information
Driving Out Hunger Invitational Golf Tournament »

The annual Driving Out Hunger Invitational Golf Tournament will be held on
July 27, 2011. By sponsoring this event, you can help us continue to provide
food assistance to some 200,000 individuals at risk of hunger in the communities
we serve. For more information on registration and sponsorship opportunities, please
visit www.drivingouthunger.net.
Heart of Carolina Food Drive

The Annual Heart of Carolina Food Drive (HOC) is a community-wide food and
funds drive sponsored by local corporations, businesses, schools, clubs and individuals,
together with ABC 11 Eyewitness News. Each year, the food drive takes place in December.