Second Harvest Food Bank of Southeast North Carolina - Home

Second Harvest Food Bank of Southeast North Carolina (SHFB SENC) was established in 1982. We became an affiliate of Feeding America in 1994. We are a member of The North Carolina Association of Feeding America Members. SHFB SENC is one of seven certified affiliates of Feeding America located in North Carolina covering all 100 counties.
The Food Bank's primary service area includes Bladen, Cumberland, Duplin, Harnett, Hoke, Robeson, and Sampson counties. The Food Bank provides nutritious food to those at risk of hunger through a network of over 200 non-profit members. There are over 150,000 individuals or 18% at risk of hunger within the 7 counties our partner agencies call home.
Snow and Ice Days Can Create Uncertainty Among Region’s Hungry
While many across the region enjoyed a few days out of school lately to rest, play, and enjoy family activities, many of the most at-risk in our community were faced with a very different reality—children at home and hungry.
Second Harvest Food Bank of Southeast North Carolina wants parents to know that there is help, [...]