Consumer Credit Counseling Service - Homeownership Center
Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Fayetteville (CCCS) has been a trusted name in housing education and counseling since 1979. Our comprehensive housing program is approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Furthermore, our counselors and educators are certified in both housing and financial counseling.
Purchasing a home is a major achievement and should not be taken lightly. Careful planning is the key to sustainable homeownership. Keep in mind that successful homeownership does not end when you sign the closing documents. Our counselors and educators are ready to help you purchase your first home in this tight credit market, and help you build the skills needed to protect your home during the many changing life events, as well as providing you with available options related to delinquency or foreclosure.
I am ready to buy a home »What is the Homebuyer's Club? »
Foreclosure Counseling »
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